NATO Is The Longest Enduring Defense Alliance In History – Celebrated 75 Years

NATO Public Forum in Washington July 10, 2024.
NATO to establish a Command Center to manage and organize the NATO assistance to Ukraine, in the Russian War aggression against peace.

Remarks by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III at the NATO Public Forum (As Delivered).

“It’s a huge honor for the United States and President Biden to host this historic summit in Washington—just down the road from the site where the original 12 NATO allies signed the North Atlantic Treaty 75 years ago. And together, we’re marking one of the greatest success stories that the world has ever known.

On April 4, 1949, those 12 democracies came together in the wake of two world wars and at the dawn of a new Cold War. They all remembered, as President Truman put it, “the sickening blow of unprovoked aggression.”

So they vowed to stand together for their collective defense and to safeguard freedom and democracy across Europe and North America. They made a solemn commitment, declaring that an armed attack against one ally would be considered “an attack against them all.”

Now that commitment was enshrined in Article Five of the North Atlantic Treaty. It was the foundation of NATO. And it still is”.


“On that bedrock, we have built the strongest and most successful defensive alliance in human history. Throughout the Cold War, NATO deterred Soviet aggression against Western Europe—and prevented a third world war. In the 1990s, NATO used air power to stop ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kosovo. And the day after September 11, 2001, when al-Qaeda terrorists attacked our country, including slamming a plane into the Pentagon, NATO invoked Article Five for the first and only time in its history”.

So NATO has always stood by us. And we’re going to stand by NATO.

“Without NATO, the past 75 years would have been far different—and far more dangerous. You know, I’m proud of the ways that NATO continues to strengthen our shared security. I’m proud of the way that NATO and America’s other alliances and partnerships have grown and strengthened under the leadership of President Biden. And I’m especially proud of the way that our allies and partners—including our NATO allies—have met the challenge of Putin’s increasingly aggressive Russia.

In 2014, Putin made an illegal land grab against Ukraine’s Crimea region and eastern Ukraine. And since then, NATO has undertaken the largest reinforcement of our collective defense in a generation, with more forces, more capabilities, and more investment. Since 2014, our fellow allies have increased their defense spending by an average of 72 percent, accounting for inflation.

In February 2022, the world again saw what President Truman called “the sickening blow of unprovoked aggression” as the Kremlin’s forces invaded the free and sovereign state of Ukraine. As this administration has made very clear, we will not be dragged into Putin’s reckless war of choice. But we will stand by Ukraine as it fights for its sovereignty and security. We will defend every inch of NATO. And we will continue to strengthen NATO’s collective defense and deterrence. In the wake of Putin’s imperial invasion of Ukraine, we’ve bolstered NATO’s forward defense posture with more troops at high readiness, larger exercises, sharper vigilance, and multinational battle groups in eight countries.

Finland and Sweden Have Seen The Light, and Have Perceived the Darkness Since 2014

NATO is now larger than ever. And our new allies in Finland and Sweden have brought the alliance’s membership to 32. And make no mistake. Putin’s war is not the result of NATO enlargement. Putin’s war is the cause of NATO enlargement.

NATO Members to Coff-Up The 2% of Their GDP Share On Military Necessity and Maintenance.

Over the past three-and-a-half years, we’ve also seen an historic increase in annual defense spending across the alliance—by almost $80 billion. All NATO allies have agreed to spend at least two percent of their GDP on defense. In 2014, only three allies hit that target. In 2021, only six allies did so. But this year, a record 23 NATO allies are meeting the two-percent defense-spending target.

Now, our NATO allies are not just spending more on their own defense. They’re also spending more on America’s defense industrial base. That means platforms and munitions built in America. And that’s helping to revitalize production lines across our country and to create good jobs for American workers.

Now, all of that progress is a testament to U.S. leadership and allied solidarity. But it’s also a testament to the leadership of our outgoing Secretary General, my good friend, Jens Stoltenberg. Throughout a decade of challenge, Jens has guided the alliance with skill and steel. And we are all deeply, deeply grateful.

Now, we’re going to keep building on our progress. And we’ve got an ambitious agenda this week.

First, we’ll continue to implement NATO’s new family of plans—the most robust since the Cold War. And that will significantly improve our ability to deter and defend against any new threat.

Second, we’ll work to endorse a pledge to expand industrial capacity across the alliance. And this will help us scale up military production—and send an important, long-term signal to industry.

Third, we’ll deepen cooperation in support of Ukraine’s self-defense. We’ll launch a new military effort to help coordinate some aspects of security assistance and training for Ukraine. And we’re poised to agree on a new financial pledge to Ukraine.

Ukraine is Being Empowered to Defend the Air Space Above Ukraine With Proactive Air Fire Power

As another sign of our deep commitment to Ukraine’s self-defense, a coalition of countries has been working tirelessly to provide F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. And today, President Biden, alongside the Dutch and Danish Prime Ministers, is proud to announce the transfer of F-16s is officially underway, and Ukraine will be flying F-16s this summer”.


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Russia Using the United Nations Membership To Do Crimes Against Humanity

Live from HAGUE.

United Nations Court.

Ukraine appeal to the United Nations Court.

Russia’s leadership became rich, proud, and arrogant after the year 2000.

23 Years of Russian leadership sinful arrogance. Russian leadership lies in the face of truth.

Why has the Russian people chosen such a President as Putin, and why has the Russian leadership chosen to do such violence in Syria and Ukraine since 2014?

Russian people have chosen their leaders according to the Soviet Satanic Union spirit.

Russian people have been told for over 100 years that crime does pay well.

It all started by the violent anarchist Bolsheviks in 1917.  The bloody violence of the Bolsheviks engulfed the entire Russia into a civil war. That blood civil (1917-1922) only increased the Russian Bolshevik’s appetite for blood.

Soviet Satanic Union State atheism was declared in 1922. Russian people became proud of the Soviet Satanic Union leader Josef Stalin. So proud that the Russian people became of Stalin, they erected statues of Stalin and Vladimir Lenin.

 The name Vladimir, chosen for the Russian children in the 40s, and 50s, was not cute or an accident, the choice was from the Russian Satanic Union nationalism, named after Vladimir Lenin.

Vladimir Lenin was a false prophet of Karl Marx. Karl Marx was a Satanist. The Bolsheviks used the philosophy and the worldview of Karl Marx to justify their violent anarchy of overthrowing the Russian monarchy and murdering the Russian tsar and his family.

During the Second World War, the Soviet Union got away with war crimes and genocide. See Wikipedia Molotov & Ribbentrop pact and the Katyn massacre 1940.

The Western Allies compromised the Rule of Law in favour of appeasing Stalin. The appeasement of Stalin with massive material aid to the USSR from England and the United States only lasted some 5 years, and then in the Kremlin, they were describing the West as useful idiots.

Russian president with the Russian people has relapsed back into the ways of the Soviet Satanic Union. They have gone back to the Stalin textbooks at Kremlin and sharpened their skills as professional criminals who are putting the wool over the eyes of the naïve Western Political leaders.

Russia is a rogue State with Putin in charge of re-writing the principles of the rule of law. They defy the rule of law principles and favour the Soviet satanic Union spirit of nationalism.

There is nothing new about the Russian leadership; it is a repeat of the Soviet Satanic Union’s manner of doing business according to their agenda.

The Russian people have made a colossal error of judgment by tossing out decency of the moral laws and following their President Putin like a pack of Lemmings onto a dead-end limb that will snap and put them into a free fall.

Spiritually blind and deaf, they have shut their eyes and ears to the wisdom of the Bible and followed a deadbeat leader to infamy. Very similar to the Josef Stalin personality cult and the Russian people’s idolatry glorifying the Soviet Satanic Union from 1922 to 1991. And Putin’s effort to resurrect it.

For more related information visit http://aclaimforatrue

Challenging Soviet Delusions: The Refusal To Acknowledge War Crimes

The Soviet Union has been gone for decades, but the legacy of its war crimes and human rights abuses still lingers in present-day Russia. The repression against intellectuals, anti-war activists, and other dissenters against the current Russian leadership has risen sharply in recent years. President Putin at the Kremlin has the same repressive and denial of reality as during the Soviet Satanic Union. Unfortunately, this reality has resulted in criminal cases against people exercising their right to speak out against the government.

What is a Delusion?

  • “A delusion is a belief that is clearly false and that indicates an abnormality in the affected person’s content of thought.
  • The false belief is not accounted for by the person’s cultural or religious background or his or her level of intelligence.
  • The key feature of a delusion is the degree to which the person is convinced that the belief is true. A person with a delusion will hold firmly to the belief regardless of evidence to the contrary.
  • Delusions can be difficult to distinguish from overvalued ideas, which are unreasonable ideas that a person holds, but the affected person has at least some level of doubt as to its truthfulness.
  • A person with a delusion is absolutely convinced that the delusion is real.
  • Delusions are a symptom of either a medical, neurological, or mental disorder. Delusions may be present in any of the following mental disorders:

 (1) Psychotic disorders, or disorders in which the affected person has a diminished or distorted sense of reality and cannot distinguish the real from the unreal, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, schizophreniform disorder, shared psychotic disorder, brief psychotic disorder, and substance-induced psychotic disorder,

(2) Bipolar disorder,

(3) Major depressive disorder with psychotic features

 (4) Delirium, and

(5) Dementia.


How is the Soviet-Russo Nationalism a Delusion?

Soviet-Russo Nationalism and their worldview has a fascination on the rebellious violent anarchy of the Bolsheviks in Russia 1917-1922. They took the law into their own hands and attempted to redefine the principles of the law given to humanity on mount Sinai some 3470 years ago.

The principles and the Spirit of the Natural law is written and defined in the Book of Exodus chapter 20.

Soviet Russo nationalism is a mixture of Josef Stalin’s personality cult, the spirit of pride in the Soviet State atheism, hostile attitude to the revelation given in the Jewish Holy Scriptures, including the Oracles of God given at Mount Sinai.

Soviet Union State atheism violently fought against the kingdom of God on earth. The Soviet Union did much harm to the people of God and to the local churches and tried their utmost to evict God from society.    

Eradication of Religion in the Soviet Union.

“The USSR anti-religious campaign of 1928–1941 was a new phase of anti-religious campaign in the Soviet Union following the anti-religious campaign of 1921–1928. The campaign began in 1929, with the drafting of new legislation that severely prohibited religious activities and called for an education process on religion in order to further disseminate atheism and materialist philosophy. This had been preceded in 1928 at the fifteenth Party congress, where Joseph Stalin criticized the party for failure to produce more active and persuasive anti-religious propaganda. This new phase coincided with the beginning of the mass collectivization of agriculture and the nationalization of the few remaining private enterprises.

The main target of the anti-religious campaign in the 1920s and 1930s was the Russian Orthodox Church, which had the largest number of faithful. Nearly all of its clergy, and many of its believers, were shot or sent to labour camps. Theological schools were closed, and church publications were prohibited. More than 85,000 Orthodox priests were shot in 1937 alone. Only a twelfth of the Russian Orthodox Church’s priests were left functioning in their parishes by 1941.

In the period between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox Churches in the Russian Republic fell from 29,584 to less than 500 (1.7%) due to systematic demolitions of the churches and cathedrals.”


The Root of SOVIET RUSSO Delusion

Karl Marx’s worldview and philosophy.

“Dialectic Materialism worldview flows to totalitarian State atheism.

The idea that since there is no universal natural or eternal law above states to judge and resolve differences between them, war is inevitable and necessary as long as there are states.


“Karl Marx had a Jewish heritage, but he deliberately turned 180 degrees around from the:

(1) supernaturalism and (2) distinctiveness of his Jewish heritage to embrace (1) atheism and (2) communist ideology.

Marxism retains all the major structural and emotional factors of biblical religion in a secularized form. He is a false prophet in every sense of the word. (Encyclopedia, Karl Marx, 2018) MOSES. 

 “So remember that the Lord is the only true Elohim, whether in the sky above or on the earth below.” Deuteronomy 4: 39. (1446 BC)


 ”Marx, like Moses, is the prophet who leads the new Chosen People, the proletariat, out of the slavery of capitalism into the Promised Land of communism across the Red Sea of bloody worldwide revolution and through the wilderness of temporary, dedicated suffering for the party, the new priesthood.”  

“The revolution is the new “Day of Yahweh,” the Day of Judgment;

The party spokesmen are the new prophets, and political purges within the party to maintain ideological purity are the new divine judgments on the waywardness of the Chosen and their leaders.

The messianic tone of communism makes it structurally and emotionally more like a religion than any other political system except fascism”.  

“Just as Marx took over the forms and the spirit of his religious heritage, but not the content, he did the same with his Hegelian philosophical heritage, transforming Hegel’s philosophy of “dialectical idealism” into “dialectical materialism!”

“Marx stood Hegel on his head,” the saying goes.

Marx inherited seven radical ideas from Hegel:  

Monism: the idea that everything is one and that common sense’s distinction between matter and spirit is illusory. For Hegel, the matter was only a form of spirit; for Marx, the spirit was only a form of matter. 

Pantheism: the notion that the distinction between Creator and creature, the distinctively Jewish idea, is false. For Hegel, the world is made into an aspect of God (Hegel was a pantheist); for Marx, God reduced to the world (Marx was an atheist).  

Historicism: the idea that everything changes, even truth; that there is nothing above history to judge it; and that therefore what is right in one era becomes false in another, or vice versa. In other words, Time is God.

Dialectic: the idea that history moves only by conflicts between opposing forces, a “thesis” vs. an “antithesis” evolving a “higher synthesis.” This applies to classes, nations, institutions, and ideas. The dialectic waltz plays on in history’s ballroom until the kingdom of God finally comes-which Hegel virtually identified with the Prussian State. Marx internationalized it to the worldwide communist State.

Necessitarianism, or fatalism: the idea that the dialectic and its outcome are inevitable and necessary, not free. Marxism is a sort of Calvinistic predestination without a divine Predestinator. 

Statism: the idea that since there is no eternal, trans-historical truth or law, the State is supreme and uncriticizable. Marx again internationalized Hegel’s nationalism here.  

Militarism: the idea that since there is no universal natural or eternal law above states to judge and resolve differences between them, war is inevitable and necessary as long as there are states.”

(Kreeft, 2018) pillars_marx.  

More related articles here.


Poem by John P.

Brush away old heartaches.
Learn from our mistakes.
Another year is finally over.
A new dawn awakes.

Let the old year out.
Welcome the new one in.
Bury the bad things of the past
As a new year now begins.

Make your New Year wishes
As simple as you can.
Pray for peace and love,
Not for wealth or fame.

Pray for health and happiness.
Pray for your fellow man.
Pray for all the ones you love.
Pray for those who’ve lost their way.

As the midnight hour chimes,
We leave the old and embrace the new.
I wish the things you wish for yourself,
And may God’s love stay with you.

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2018

New Year Resolution Home Schooling.

United Nations Security Meeting February 22, 2022

Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield speech at the United Nations Security Meeting. February 21, 2022.

Ambassador to the UN condemns Russia’s “attack on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” Source: Bloomberg

Putin claims Russia has the rightful claim to the year 1900 Russian Empire conquered territories. Including Finland. It includes Belarus and Georgia and Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

“We do not have to guess at President Putin’s motives. Today, President Putin made a series of outrageous, false claims about Ukraine aimed at creating a pretext for war, and immediately thereafter, announced Russian troops are entering the Donbas.

“He claimed that Ukraine is seeking nuclear weapons from the West. This is not true. Ukraine is in fact one of only four countries to have voluntarily surrendered their nuclear weapons. The United States and our allies have no intention of supplying nuclear weapons to Ukraine, and Ukraine doesn’t want them.”

And then, President Putin asserted that Russia today has a rightful claim to all territories – all territories – from the Russian Empire; the same Russian Empire from before the Soviet Union, from over 100 years ago.

“That includes all of Ukraine. It includes Finland. It includes Belarus and Georgia and Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.”

It includes parts of Poland and Turkey. In essence, Putin wants the world to travel back in time. To a time before the United Nations. To a time when empires ruled the world. But the rest of the world has moved forward. It is not 1919.

It is 2022. The United Nations was founded on the principle of decolonization, not recolonization. And we believe the vast majority of UN Member States and the UN Security Council are committed to moving forward – not going back in time.”………………

– Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas- Watch Video.  Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield speech at the United Nations Security Meeting. February 22, 2022.


What is a Worldview? Worldview is a concept, demarcation, rendition of our conscious perception. With a reasonable interpretation of the overall world experience that we live in. It has to be proven by experiential knowledge. And not only philosophized with theoretical knowledge. Life itself is impacting, interacting, and engaging in all levels of the conscious experience of life. To repress one aspect of material world objective truth from the mind, conscience acknowledgment is possible.  

To suppress inconvenient truth is most often favored.   To understand the value of accurate rendering of conscience selection, the intellect needs to be guided, instructed, and trained.  

According to the ultimate truth and reality by the First Cause of Life. The instructions have been spelled out over 3460 years ago. The journey starts with conscious integrity. God of the Bible demands uncompromising integrity from humanity.

In effect, YHWH is saying,   clean the chalk board of your conscience, and keep it clean, so that I can write my Torah instruction on your conscious mind.   To make it easier, there is a fast track to having the sinful human conscience mind cleared.   By the redeemer, the lamb of God. Yeshua Hamashiach.  

Jesus from Nazareth walked with YHWH and showed the way to a meaningful relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.     He did not endorse impersonal “dead religious rituals.”   He said there was much more to life, living a meaningful life spiritually, according to the Spirit of YHWH.  

The human living functions of the mind, intellect, consciousness, imagination, will, memory, and emotions, with the inalienable human rights. Right to Life, right to liberty, and property right give people the false confidence every human subjective perception is a correct worldview.

The living human mind functions are highly subject to misleading imaginations and erroneous worldviews.   Partly because people think with their passions, ambitions, hormones, feelings, and emotions. They make a common mistake, thinking that they can imagine and conjure up their own Worldview, and nobody has any right to correct anybody else’s subjective mind errors? For an artist sketching, painting, and making sculptures that may be true. It may not violates anybody else’s rights.

  When a populist leader rises within a nation, the problems arise in the national arena, it may arrive by political, nationalistic, or military means.   The rise of a leader may be a reaction, just like the rise of the Bolsheviks and Joseph Stalin was a reaction to the Russian monarchy rule of law.

Similarly, the rise of Adolf Hitler was a reaction by the German people to how they, as the German people, were dealt harshly with after World War One. The armistice on 11 November 1918 until the signing of the peace treaty with Germany on 28 June 1919.

Victor Leinonen. A Claim For A True Worldview (Kindle Locations 1752-1765).

Hanukkah Feast of Dedication

Hanukkah festival of Dedication or the Festival of lights event.  How relevant is the Hanukkah to Judeo Christians World view?

Yeshua from Nazareth and his disciples observed the Festival of Dedication, as described in the Gospel according to John, chapter 10, verse 22.

Verse 22-30.

“Then came Hanukkah in Yerushalayim. It was winter, and Yeshua was walking around inside the Temple area, in Shlomo’s Colonnade. So the Judeans surrounded him and said to him, “How much longer are you going to keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us publicly!” Yeshua answered them, “I have already told you, and you don’t trust me. The works I do in my Father’s name testify on my behalf, but the reason you don’t trust is that you are not included among my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice, I recognize them, they follow me, and I give them eternal life. They will absolutely never be destroyed, and no one will snatch them from my hands. My Father, who gave them to me, is greater than all; and no one can snatch them from the Father’s hands. I and the Father are one.”

Celebrate Messiah quote:

“John 10 takes place in the Temple courts, while Jesus observes the feast of Hanukkah. His teaching gathered the Jewish people around him and with great anticipation, they asked Him, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” (John 10:24 Interestingly enough, the literal Greek translation reads: “How long will you lift up our souls?” The Jewish people at that time lifted up their souls in hopeful, anxious anticipation for the fulfillment of Messianic prophecies! Today, believers all around the world lift up their hearts and souls to Jesus as we longingly anticipate the day when Jewish people around the world embrace Jesus their Messiah.”

“We can also marvel at the fact that Jesus, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas, actually celebrated Hanukkah, the Feast of Dedication. This is truly poignant considering that this means Jesus celebrated the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple, which essentially was a grassroots Jewish movement to preserve Jerusalem and the Jewish people from absorbing into the pagan, Hellenistic culture of their time. If the Maccabees had not reclaimed and rededicated the Jewish Temple, Jesus would not have been able to come to a Jewish Temple or a Jewish people!”

“So in essence, when we celebrate Hanukkah, we also celebrate the divinity of Jesus. During a holiday that celebrates the miracle of light, we celebrate the fact that Jesus came and brings light to the world and to our souls!”  


Books of Maccabees

The story of Hanukkah is preserved in the books of the First and Second Maccabees, which describe in detail the re-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem and the lighting of the menorah. These books are not part of the canonized Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) used by modern Jews, though the Catholic and Orthodox Churches consider them part of the Bible.

The eight-day rededication of the temple is described in 1 Maccabees 4:36–4:59, though the name of the festival and the miracle of the lights do not appear here. A story similar in character, and older in date, is the one alluded to in 2 Maccabees 1:18–1:36 according to which the relighting of the altar fire by Nehemiah was due to a miracle which occurred on the 25th of Kislev, and which appears to be given as the reason for the selection of the same date for the rededication of the altar by Judah Maccabee.[citation needed] The above account in 1 Maccabees 4, as well as 2 Maccabees 1:9 portrays the feast as a delayed observation of the eight-day Feast of Booths (Sukkot)”; similarly 2 Maccabees 10:6 explains the length of the feast as “in the manner of the Feast of Booths”.

Cleansing and Dedication of the Temple

1 Maccabees 4:36-59

“Then Judas and his brothers said, “See, our enemies are crushed; let us go up to cleanse the sanctuary and dedicate it.” So all the army assembled and went up to Mount Zion. There they saw the sanctuary desolate, the altar profaned, and the gates burned. In the courts they saw bushes sprung up as in a thicket, or as on one of the mountains. They saw also the chambers of the priests in ruins. Then they tore their clothes and mourned with great lamentation; they sprinkled themselves with ashes and fell face down on the ground. And when the signal was given with the trumpets, they cried out to Heaven.”

“Then Judas detailed men to fight against those in the citadel until he had cleansed the sanctuary. He chose blameless priests devoted to the law, and they cleansed the sanctuary and removed the defiled stones to an unclean place. They deliberated what to do about the altar of burnt offering, which had been profaned. And they thought it best to tear it down, so that it would not be a lasting shame to them that the Gentiles had defiled it. So they tore down the altar, and stored the stones in a convenient place on the temple hill until a prophet should come to tell what to do with them.”

” Then they took unhewn stones, as the law directs, and built a new altar like the former one. They also rebuilt the sanctuary and the interior of the temple, and consecrated the courts. They made new holy vessels, and brought the lampstand, the altar of incense, and the table into the temple. Then they offered incense on the altar and lit the lamps on the lampstand, and these gave light in the temple. They placed the bread on the table and hung up the curtains. Thus they finished all the work they had undertaken.

“Early in the morning on the twenty-fifth day of the ninth month, which is the month of Chislev, in the one hundred forty-eighth year,[b] they rose and offered sacrifice, as the law directs, on the new altar of burnt offering that they had built. At the very season and on the very day that the Gentiles had profaned it, it was dedicated with songs and harps and lutes and cymbals.”

“All the people fell on their faces and worshiped and blessed Heaven, who had prospered them. So they celebrated the dedication of the altar for eight days, and joyfully offered burnt offerings; they offered a sacrifice of well-being and a thanksgiving offering.

They decorated the front of the temple with golden crowns and small shields; they restored the gates and the chambers for the priests, and fitted them with doors. There was very great joy among the people, and the disgrace brought by the Gentiles was removed.”

59 Then Judas and his brothers and all the assembly of Israel determined that every year at that season the days of dedication of the altar should be observed with joy and gladness for eight days, beginning with the twenty-fifth day of the month of Chislev.

1 Maccabees 4:36-59 4:36

New Arctic Finland Book release 2019

New Arctic Finland Book release 7 July 2019.

Victor Leinonen in the Bloggers Guide Arctic Finland contains 42 short chapters on a wide range of topics. A practical guide book for anyone planning a holiday into Arctic Finland. Bloggers Guide to Arctic Finland book presents briefly the last 100-year history of Arctic Finland, with many vital facts for understanding Finland history from the people of Finland perspective. And not from the foreign imperial-minded invaders such as the Soviet Russians, or Western Imperial minded victors justice.

The people of the land in Finland for more than 600 years have lived between a rock and a hard place. Imperial Sweden on the Western side and Imperial Russia on the East side. Neither of these military conquest objectives was invited by the people of the land

The Swedish monarchy did have a Western World view and life philosophy in regard to human rights and jurisprudence. The Imperial Russian motive to conquer was very much different. Russian bear was hungry to grow their entity bigger, politically ambitious to dominate the northern hemisphere all the way around the Polar cap.

The rebellion of the Bolsheviks up the ante, they were aggressive to take control and dominate not only the Russian State but start a lawless revolution that would spill over the borders into all of the established Western world standards of the civil society rule of law. The Soviet Union Bolshevik founders were a negative force from the very beginnings of the movement. They rejected the authority and the first principles of reason, as presented in the first five books of the Bible by the Creator of Life. Soviets rejected the intelligent Spirit from outside time and space, that initiated the First Cause of the cause and effect of the material universe. Bolsheviks world view was on a head-on collision with the Western world understand the first principles of reason/logic.

Bloggers Guide To Arctic Finland book is written from a Biblical objective World view that accepts truth as a vital to human reason and life virtue.

Respect and adherence to the first principles fo reason enable the human mind to understand what justice is and looks like. There is always a personal commitment required at a spiritual level from the spirit of truth before the concept of truth can be realized and appreciated. If there is no commitment to the situational personal spirit of truth, then the essential experience of the spirit of truth will always be evasive outside of the human mind.

Fundamental human rights, justice as it is presented through the Spirit of the Natural Law. Spirit of the Natural Law is not political, it is not driven by archaic Imperialistic forces such as territorial conquest. There are also lots of pictures from the traditional Nordic cuisine, regional ingredients, and the environment. Including a baltic herring recipe.

Bloggers guide to Arctic Finland shares many pivotal points of Finland history, where the ordinary people of the land have been invaded, violated, and robbed of their land from 1939 onwards to date.  In 1939 440,000 Karelian war refugees forced to evacuate because of the Soviet Union leader’s lawlessness, and total disregard to the Spirit of the Natural Law.

The Bolshevik Stalin leadership ushered in many generations of political repression in Russia, including the modern day Russian leaders that repress the true facts of history and fabricate lies to justify their erroneous world view and twisted half-truth life philosophies.  

Bloggers Guide To Arctic Finland Topics

Many topics about Arctic Finland history. Including the often misunderstood and ambiguous role of the German military in Arctic Finland. The only way to get to the bottom of the facts is to ask why did the aggressive war against peace by the Soviets happen in the first place? (1939). The answer is directly linked to why did the Russian Revolution occur in 1917? That is directly linked to the Bolsheviks rebellion and lawless spirits in 1914. And that is directly linked to the violation of the Spirit of the Natural Law, by people that were given to lawlessness, rebellion, and anarchy. To find reconciliation in human conflicts, especially political power players, is to understand what the Spirit of the Natural Law is. Only then can humans get out of the madly ambitious political ping pong game between political rivals, where ordinary people, and the people of the land are being played back and forward, like they were ping pong balls.

Chapter 37 talks about the German Soldiers Cemetery In the Arctic of Finland that was invaded by the Soviets in 1939 and again 1944.

  1. Travel Tips to Fennoscandia Country – Finland
    1. When and Where to Go in the Arctic Finland?
    2. List of Holiday Destinations
    3. Winter Nordic Flavors
    4. History, Tradition and Culture
    5. Natural Nordic Nutrition Exploration
    6. Bilberries in Finland
    7. Nordic Cuisine
    8. Finland National Flower Kielo
    9. Wild Lemmings
    10. Picture Gallery
    11. Historical View of Lapland
    12. Kilpis Lake Holiday Destination
    13. Ylläs Tundra Mountain
    14. Saariselkä Holiday Destination
    15. Skiing and Snowboarding in the Arctic Finland
    16. East Border Tundra Town Named Salla
    17. Arctic Freshwater Source
    18. Aurora Borealis
    19. Arctic Treaty Success Model
    20. The Land
    21. Fennoscandia People
    22. Vihta or Vasta?
    23. Finland Access to the Arctic Sea
    25. Santa Comes To Town
    26. Swans in Finland Mythology and Antiquity
    27. Christmas in Lapland
    28. Arctic Ocean Port of Finland
    29. The Early Pioneers
    30. Castle Hills and Fortresses
    31. Municipalities that were Extorted by USSR between 1940-1945
    32. Petsamo Municipality A Vital Part of Finland
    33. Bothnia Ice Lake
    34. Finland Borders of Independence
    35. The Arctic Sea Route to the Arctic Sea Port of Liinahamar
    36. Opening Up a New Arctic Sea Route
    37. German Soldiers Cemetery In the Arctic
    38. Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking.
    39. A Worldview and A Life philosophy
    40. Websites and YouTube Channels.
    41. Finland Centenary 1917-2017

Baltic Herring recipe

Herring (Clupea harengus).

Herring fish have been caught around the world for many thousands of years.  The most abundant species belong to the genus Clupea, there are about 200 species of various herring.  They are found in the shallow, temperate waters of the North Pacific, also North Atlantic oceans, the Baltic Sea, and the west coast of South America.

In the Scandinavian and the Nordic region, the Baltic Herrings were a very important food source along with the Herring and the sprats (Sprattus sprattus). Herring’s were salted in wooden drums for the coming winter, an oily fish similar to anchovies and sardines that could also be pickled, smoked and cooked as a casserole with potatoes, bacon, and onions.  Oily fish are a good source of vitamin A, D, and Omega 3. Oily fish and forage fish also can contain contaminants like mercury and dioxin.

Bismarck herrings

Pickled herring, also known as Bismarck herrings, it has been a delicacy in Europe for centuries.

The pickling of Baltic herrings is prepared usually in 3 stages: 1. Cleaning and gutting. 2. Soaked in a salted pickle overnight, drained and finally the third stage placing the herring fillets into the final pickle that was briefly brought to boil containing vinegar with spices, onions, peppers and flavor giving vegetables.

The traditional preserving and cooking method of herring used essential ingredients at the time, salt for smoking with various wood types, e.g., apple tree or aspen.

For pickling, the ingredients used were; white vinegar, onions, dill, peppers, spice, salt, and maybe at better days red wine or sherry.  As the food culture grew and experimented with ingredients from other cultures, then spices, herbs, and vegetables from other cultures got acceptance and became more widely used.  The following recipe uses fennel, ginger and kafir lime for a broader flavor range. Enjoy.

Pickled spicy herring Recipe: Ginger, lime, and fennel.


  • Baltic herring.   1kg.
  • Red onion.       400g.
  • Fennel.                       1.
  • Dill.                1 bunch.
  • Ginger.           25 gram.
  • Dill seeds.        1 tbsp.
  • Lime Peel.        1 lime.
  • Kafir leaves.           4.
  • Schezuan pepper. 1 tbsp.
Stock A.

White wine vinegar.    200ml.

  • Water.                                 100ml.
  • Salt.                                      1 tbsp.
Stock B.

White wine vinegar.     100ml.

  • Water.                                   500ml.
  • Sugar.                                    150g.
  • Salt.                                        4 tbsp.
  • Lime juice.                          4 limes.


1. Clean the Baltic herrings from both ends.

2. Combine the ingredients for the first marinade, place the fish fillets in a glass jar, pour the first marinade into the glass jar over the fish, close and allow to marinate in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours, until the color of the fish has changed to white color.

3. Prepare the vegetables by cutting into fine slices or dice and the other flavor adding ingredients and the second marinade.

4. Drain the first marinade off the fish fillets well in a strainer.

5. Add some flavor adding ingredients to the jar, followed by a layer of fish fillets, and keep alternating the fish filets with the flavor ingredients until the jar is full.

6. pour the second marinade into the jar over the fish.

7. Refrigerate for a couple of days, every now and then turn the jar upside down and shake to mix the vinegar with the flavor adding ingredients and to distribute the marinade well over the fish fillets.

Serve with crisp rye bread, butter, cheese, and a suitable beverage.

Recipe source.                                       

SILLI & SILAKKA. Leif Mannerstrom. Atena.

Arctic Ivalo Township in Lapland Finland

Arctic Ivalo

Ivalo (pohjoissaameksi Avvil, koltansaameksi Âˊvvel ja inarinsaameksi Avveel) on Inarin kunnan suurin taajama ja hallinnollinen keskus Inarijärven eteläpuolella. Taajaman väkiluku oli vuoden 2016 lopulla 3 036. Ivalon maapinta-ala on 7,40 neliökilometriä.

Ivalo sijaitsee seudun tärkeimmän tieyhteyden nelostien varrella. Ivalon kuntakeskuksesta Inarin kirkonkylään on matkaa 39 km. Rovaniemelle kertyy etäisyyttä 288 km ja Utsjoelle 164 km. Saariselän matkailukeskus sijaitsee 30 km Ivalosta etelään.

Ivalo tunnettiin aiemmin Kyrön kylänä. Kyrön kylän perusti 1750-luvulla Ivalojoen alajuoksulle Tornionlaaksosta muuttanut Henrik Kyrö. Ruotsalaisen sukututkijan Erik Kuoksun mukaan Kyrö kuului laajaan pirkkamiessukuun, jotka kuninkaan valtuuttamina kävivät kauppaa lapinkylien kanssa ja kantoivat niistä verot. Kyrö merkittiin lappalaiseksi, koska hän ei perustanut taloa vaan elinkeinoina olivat kalastus ja metsästys. Kyrön tytär nai saamelaisen miehen ja kyläläiset alkoivat 1700-luvun lopulla kehittää poronhoidosta sivuelinkeinoa.[2]


Arctic Ivalo

Ivalo (Northern Sami Avvil, Skolt Sámi Âˊvvel, and Inari Sámi Avveel) is the largest urban and administrative center of Inari municipality south of Lake Inari. The population of the agglomeration was 3,036 at the end of 2016. Ivalo’s land area is 7.40 square kilometers.

The Ivalo is located on the four-track roadside main road. Ivalo Municipality Center is 39 km from Inari Church Village. The distance to Rovaniemi is 288 km and to Utsjoki 164 km. Saariselkä Tourist Center is located 30 km south of Ivalo.

Ivalo was formerly known as Kyrö village. The Kyrö village was founded in the 1750s by Henrik Kyrö, who moved to the lower reaches of Ivalojoki from the Tornio Valley. According to the Swedish genealogy researcher Erik Kuoksu, Kyrö belonged to a large group of merchants who, under the authority of the king, were trading with taxi villages and carrying taxes on them. Kyrö was marked as a patron because he did not set up a house, but fishing and hunting were the livelihoods. At the end of the 18th century, Kyrö’s daughter, a Sami man, and villagers began to develop a reindeer husbandry industry.

After the continuation war, 1941-1944 the Soviet and the Allied forces pressured Finland to turn on their brothers in arms, as their common enemy was Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union State Atheism.

Finland was forced to ask German troops to leave Lapland and return to Germany. It was insulting request demanded by the Allied forces. Finland obeyed and asked the German troop’s nicely to go away from Finland. They were reluctant to leave, knowing full well what was waiting for them in Germany in 1944. After some time the Soviets pressured increased to drive the German troops out of Finland.

The German troops did start moving North to Norway where they were going to board German ships. As the Germans retreated they did what they were trained to do in a war as the German troops withdrew, they applied the scorched earth policy, similar to that the Finnish troops did when they retreated from Karelian Isthmus during the Winter war 1939-40.

Germans troops withdraw

In the war in Lapland, the retreating German troops burned down the houses at Ivalo, like most of the other settlements in Lapland. The Finnish troops behind retreating forces in Germany reached Ivalo on November 5, 1944.

Finland to Ivalo, 99800 Inari, Finland

Travel by car / bus.

3 h 22 min (287.1 km) via E75

German troops in Lapland during 1941 – 1944.

In northern Finland, there were about 213,000 men in the German 20th Army.  Their area of ​​responsibility was a 700-kilometer front line from the height of the Oulujoki River to the Arctic Ocean. A significant part of the soldiers belonged to various SS formations. The Commander of the Force, after Eduard Dietl, who died in June 1944, was General Lothar Renduli

XIX Mountain Army was responsible for the northernmost Front of Petsamo. In the south of the Sallan-Alakurt region, the XXXVI army fought. The southernmost XVIII Mountain Army was responsible for the Kiesting-Uhtua front line.

In addition to the crew, there were, for example, 32,000 horses or mules and 17,500–26,000 motor vehicles. Forces had stored the need for half a year of ammunition, food, fuel and other supplies, for a total of about 180 000 tonnes, mainly in Oulu and Rovaniemi. However, there were also warehouses, for example, in Uhtua one thousand kilometers from the Norwegian border.

In August 1944 the Intelligence Department of the Finnish Army headquarters prepared a report evaluating the possibilities of withdrawal of the German troops. According to the report, the evacuation of troops by sea would take two months, and the shipping of the material is still half a year longer. The schedule was estimated as summer time – much more time in winter.

War losses

In the war in Lapland, Finland lost 774 men, and 262 lost (of which 164 prisoners), and 2 904 were injured . One third of Finns killed in anti-personnel mines.

The losses of the Germans were nearly 1,000, over 2,000 wounded and 1,300 prisoners . The prisoners received by the Finns were surrendered to the Soviet Union, where the survivors were returned to their home country in the 1950s. The Finnish prisoners taken by the Germans were transported to Norway, most of which were released in the spring of 1945.

Chapel of the German Military Cemetery at Norvajärvi.

The losses did not end when the war ended. The Germans put a considerable amount of explosives on the terrain while securing their withdrawal from the mine fields. The mines caused serious civilian casualties many years after the war, the last in the 1970s. By 1973, a total of 1,142,000 explosives had been cleared, and individual explosives still exist for over 70 years after the end of the war.

In 1963, the graveyard of German soldiers, who were killed in the war in Lapland, has been put into operation at Norvajärvi in ​​Rovaniemi.

President of Finland Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim,

“After the devastating Soviet strategic Vyborg–Petrozavodsk Offensive in southern Finland from June to July and a change in Finnish leadership in August 1944, Finland negotiated a separate peace agreement with the USSR.[14] The ceasefire agreement required the Finns to break diplomatic ties with Germany and publicly demand the withdrawal of all German troops from Finland by 15 September 1944.

Any troops remaining after the deadline were to be expelled or disarmed and handed over to the USSR. Even with the German withdrawal operation, the Finns estimated it would take three months for the Wehrmacht to fully evacuate. The task was further complicated by the Soviet demand that the majority of the Finnish Defence Forces be demobilised while conducting a military campaign against the Germans.

Before deciding to accept the Soviet demands, President Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, former Finnish commander-in-chief, wrote a letter directly to Adolf Hitler”:

Our German brothers-in-arms will forever remain in our hearts. The Germans in Finland were certainly not the representatives of foreign despotism but helpers and brothers-in-arms.

But even in such cases foreigners are in difficult positions requiring such tact. I can assure you that during the past years nothing whatsoever happened that could have induced us to consider the German troops intruders or oppressors.

I believe that the attitude of the German Army in northern Finland towards the local population and authorities will enter our history as a unique example of a correct and cordial relationship […]

I deem it my duty to lead my people out of the war. I cannot and I will not turn the arms which you have so liberally supplied us against Germans.

I harbour the hope that you, even if you disapprove of my attitude, will wish and endeavour like myself and all other Finns to terminate our former relations without increasing the gravity of the situation.

Happy New Year 2019

Are you Scarring your Children due to Divorce?

Some individuals resolve to stay in their marriage for their children. They want to break free and to start a new life but they don’t. They may later discover that they didn’t do their children any favors by staying in the relationship. They certainly weren’t happy and chances are everyone in the household was suffering because of what was going on emotionally.

The amount of damage that is going on right now for many children due to marital problems needs to be addressed. They are subjected to seeing verbal, emotional, and physical abuse. They may see affection or money withheld in order to exhibit complete control over the other party. None of these issues are good for children to be seeing and you better believe the will leave memories of a very unhappy childhood.

It is the emotional state of children that often keep people in a marriage when they want out though. They have heard all the horror stories about children with trust issues and relationship issues due to their parents being divorced. Yet it isn’t the fact that their parents are divorced that caused the problems. Rather it is often due to how things were handled before, during, and after the divorce.

It is often the actions of parents that are inappropriate and that damage children when a divorce takes place. The image of seeing your mom call your dad hateful names or of your father throwing dishes isn’t something that a child will soon forget. There are going to be rocky issues to deal with surrounding a divorce but do your best to shield your children from seeing them.

Children are going to pick up on the tension that is there between you and your ex spouse. They are going to be in the line of fire if there is still a great deal of unresolved conflict going on. It can be very unhealthy for them to see such issues taking place. It is possible to divorce someone and still have a decent relationship with them. It is possible for you to work as a team to do what is best for the children.

If you can work out details of the divorce so that the children are well cared for it will prevent them from being scarred. Messy divorces where both parties are blaming the other and getting the children in the middle of it aren’t going to benefit anyone at all. Never say hurtful things about your ex in front of your children. That person is still their parent and someone they both love and respect.

Make sure you take the time to talk to your children from their point of view about the divorce. Let them have some control over the direction those conversations take. They may have questions and you need to answer them. It is okay to let them see your emotions during the divorce as well. Just make sure you reassure them that everything is going to be fine. As long as they feel loved and safe they will be able to get through the divorce without ongoing problems.

You won’t be scarring your children if you do end up divorced. You do need to make sure you are well aware of how they are going to be affected though. You want to know what to expect so you can be there to meet the needs of your children. Make sure they know they can come to either parent for anything they need. You also need to consider your own actions. Make sure you are fully aware of how they will influence your children.

There are many well adjusted adults out there in our society that do have parents that divorced. They will be the first to tell you that the situation was for the better for everyone involved. It is refreshing to know that because the decision to divorce is one that doesn’t come easily. Yet if it is the right decision for your family then you just need to put the needs of your children first.

Thank you for visiting Arctic Finland .net website and reading this Are you Scarring your Children due to Divorce? article post. For more related articles visit www.ArcticFresh

Happy New Year 2019