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Challenging Soviet Delusions: The Refusal To Acknowledge War Crimes

The Soviet Union has been gone for decades, but the legacy of its war crimes and human rights abuses still lingers in present-day Russia. The repression against intellectuals, anti-war activists, and other dissenters against the current Russian leadership has risen sharply in recent years. President Putin at the Kremlin has the same repressive and denial of reality as during the Soviet Satanic Union. Unfortunately, this reality has resulted in criminal cases against people exercising their right to speak out against the government.

What is a Delusion?

  • “A delusion is a belief that is clearly false and that indicates an abnormality in the affected person’s content of thought.
  • The false belief is not accounted for by the person’s cultural or religious background or his or her level of intelligence.
  • The key feature of a delusion is the degree to which the person is convinced that the belief is true. A person with a delusion will hold firmly to the belief regardless of evidence to the contrary.
  • Delusions can be difficult to distinguish from overvalued ideas, which are unreasonable ideas that a person holds, but the affected person has at least some level of doubt as to its truthfulness.
  • A person with a delusion is absolutely convinced that the delusion is real.
  • Delusions are a symptom of either a medical, neurological, or mental disorder. Delusions may be present in any of the following mental disorders:

 (1) Psychotic disorders, or disorders in which the affected person has a diminished or distorted sense of reality and cannot distinguish the real from the unreal, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, schizophreniform disorder, shared psychotic disorder, brief psychotic disorder, and substance-induced psychotic disorder,

(2) Bipolar disorder,

(3) Major depressive disorder with psychotic features

 (4) Delirium, and

(5) Dementia.


How is the Soviet-Russo Nationalism a Delusion?

Soviet-Russo Nationalism and their worldview has a fascination on the rebellious violent anarchy of the Bolsheviks in Russia 1917-1922. They took the law into their own hands and attempted to redefine the principles of the law given to humanity on mount Sinai some 3470 years ago.

The principles and the Spirit of the Natural law is written and defined in the Book of Exodus chapter 20.

Soviet Russo nationalism is a mixture of Josef Stalin’s personality cult, the spirit of pride in the Soviet State atheism, hostile attitude to the revelation given in the Jewish Holy Scriptures, including the Oracles of God given at Mount Sinai.

Soviet Union State atheism violently fought against the kingdom of God on earth. The Soviet Union did much harm to the people of God and to the local churches and tried their utmost to evict God from society.    

Eradication of Religion in the Soviet Union.

“The USSR anti-religious campaign of 1928–1941 was a new phase of anti-religious campaign in the Soviet Union following the anti-religious campaign of 1921–1928. The campaign began in 1929, with the drafting of new legislation that severely prohibited religious activities and called for an education process on religion in order to further disseminate atheism and materialist philosophy. This had been preceded in 1928 at the fifteenth Party congress, where Joseph Stalin criticized the party for failure to produce more active and persuasive anti-religious propaganda. This new phase coincided with the beginning of the mass collectivization of agriculture and the nationalization of the few remaining private enterprises.

The main target of the anti-religious campaign in the 1920s and 1930s was the Russian Orthodox Church, which had the largest number of faithful. Nearly all of its clergy, and many of its believers, were shot or sent to labour camps. Theological schools were closed, and church publications were prohibited. More than 85,000 Orthodox priests were shot in 1937 alone. Only a twelfth of the Russian Orthodox Church’s priests were left functioning in their parishes by 1941.

In the period between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox Churches in the Russian Republic fell from 29,584 to less than 500 (1.7%) due to systematic demolitions of the churches and cathedrals.”


The Root of SOVIET RUSSO Delusion

Karl Marx’s worldview and philosophy.

“Dialectic Materialism worldview flows to totalitarian State atheism.

The idea that since there is no universal natural or eternal law above states to judge and resolve differences between them, war is inevitable and necessary as long as there are states.


“Karl Marx had a Jewish heritage, but he deliberately turned 180 degrees around from the:

(1) supernaturalism and (2) distinctiveness of his Jewish heritage to embrace (1) atheism and (2) communist ideology.

Marxism retains all the major structural and emotional factors of biblical religion in a secularized form. He is a false prophet in every sense of the word. (Encyclopedia, Karl Marx, 2018) MOSES. 

 “So remember that the Lord is the only true Elohim, whether in the sky above or on the earth below.” Deuteronomy 4: 39. (1446 BC)


 ”Marx, like Moses, is the prophet who leads the new Chosen People, the proletariat, out of the slavery of capitalism into the Promised Land of communism across the Red Sea of bloody worldwide revolution and through the wilderness of temporary, dedicated suffering for the party, the new priesthood.”  

“The revolution is the new “Day of Yahweh,” the Day of Judgment;

The party spokesmen are the new prophets, and political purges within the party to maintain ideological purity are the new divine judgments on the waywardness of the Chosen and their leaders.

The messianic tone of communism makes it structurally and emotionally more like a religion than any other political system except fascism”.  

“Just as Marx took over the forms and the spirit of his religious heritage, but not the content, he did the same with his Hegelian philosophical heritage, transforming Hegel’s philosophy of “dialectical idealism” into “dialectical materialism!”

“Marx stood Hegel on his head,” the saying goes.

Marx inherited seven radical ideas from Hegel:  

Monism: the idea that everything is one and that common sense’s distinction between matter and spirit is illusory. For Hegel, the matter was only a form of spirit; for Marx, the spirit was only a form of matter. 

Pantheism: the notion that the distinction between Creator and creature, the distinctively Jewish idea, is false. For Hegel, the world is made into an aspect of God (Hegel was a pantheist); for Marx, God reduced to the world (Marx was an atheist).  

Historicism: the idea that everything changes, even truth; that there is nothing above history to judge it; and that therefore what is right in one era becomes false in another, or vice versa. In other words, Time is God.

Dialectic: the idea that history moves only by conflicts between opposing forces, a “thesis” vs. an “antithesis” evolving a “higher synthesis.” This applies to classes, nations, institutions, and ideas. The dialectic waltz plays on in history’s ballroom until the kingdom of God finally comes-which Hegel virtually identified with the Prussian State. Marx internationalized it to the worldwide communist State.

Necessitarianism, or fatalism: the idea that the dialectic and its outcome are inevitable and necessary, not free. Marxism is a sort of Calvinistic predestination without a divine Predestinator. 

Statism: the idea that since there is no eternal, trans-historical truth or law, the State is supreme and uncriticizable. Marx again internationalized Hegel’s nationalism here.  

Militarism: the idea that since there is no universal natural or eternal law above states to judge and resolve differences between them, war is inevitable and necessary as long as there are states.”

(Kreeft, 2018) pillars_marx.  

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