Tag Archives: Russia Using the United Nations Membership To Do Crimes Against Humanity

Russia Using the United Nations Membership To Do Crimes Against Humanity

Live from HAGUE.

United Nations Court.

Ukraine appeal to the United Nations Court.

Russia’s leadership became rich, proud, and arrogant after the year 2000.

23 Years of Russian leadership sinful arrogance. Russian leadership lies in the face of truth.

Why has the Russian people chosen such a President as Putin, and why has the Russian leadership chosen to do such violence in Syria and Ukraine since 2014?

Russian people have chosen their leaders according to the Soviet Satanic Union spirit.

Russian people have been told for over 100 years that crime does pay well.

It all started by the violent anarchist Bolsheviks in 1917.  The bloody violence of the Bolsheviks engulfed the entire Russia into a civil war. That blood civil (1917-1922) only increased the Russian Bolshevik’s appetite for blood.

Soviet Satanic Union State atheism was declared in 1922. Russian people became proud of the Soviet Satanic Union leader Josef Stalin. So proud that the Russian people became of Stalin, they erected statues of Stalin and Vladimir Lenin.

 The name Vladimir, chosen for the Russian children in the 40s, and 50s, was not cute or an accident, the choice was from the Russian Satanic Union nationalism, named after Vladimir Lenin.

Vladimir Lenin was a false prophet of Karl Marx. Karl Marx was a Satanist. The Bolsheviks used the philosophy and the worldview of Karl Marx to justify their violent anarchy of overthrowing the Russian monarchy and murdering the Russian tsar and his family.

During the Second World War, the Soviet Union got away with war crimes and genocide. See Wikipedia Molotov & Ribbentrop pact and the Katyn massacre 1940.

The Western Allies compromised the Rule of Law in favour of appeasing Stalin. The appeasement of Stalin with massive material aid to the USSR from England and the United States only lasted some 5 years, and then in the Kremlin, they were describing the West as useful idiots.

Russian president with the Russian people has relapsed back into the ways of the Soviet Satanic Union. They have gone back to the Stalin textbooks at Kremlin and sharpened their skills as professional criminals who are putting the wool over the eyes of the naïve Western Political leaders.

Russia is a rogue State with Putin in charge of re-writing the principles of the rule of law. They defy the rule of law principles and favour the Soviet satanic Union spirit of nationalism.

There is nothing new about the Russian leadership; it is a repeat of the Soviet Satanic Union’s manner of doing business according to their agenda.

The Russian people have made a colossal error of judgment by tossing out decency of the moral laws and following their President Putin like a pack of Lemmings onto a dead-end limb that will snap and put them into a free fall.

Spiritually blind and deaf, they have shut their eyes and ears to the wisdom of the Bible and followed a deadbeat leader to infamy. Very similar to the Josef Stalin personality cult and the Russian people’s idolatry glorifying the Soviet Satanic Union from 1922 to 1991. And Putin’s effort to resurrect it.

For more related information visit http://aclaimforatrue worldview.com